As you read in our previous series of articles, there are no options or any shortcuts for exercise. In today’s instant generation with an array of fake instant choices, Instant workouts are not long-lasting & sustainable as the results are surely going to be temporary. There is a scientific base & structured format on how to do a fitness program that involves a three-step process.
The first and most preventive step is warm-up. The second step, of course, is the specific, structured and targeted workout. And finally, the most important step is your cool down. But as per my experience in the fitness industry, maximum fitness enthusiasts, due to lack of awareness, knowledge or just being lazy or showing a laid-back attitude (at the risk of their health), directly jump to the main workout which is extremely incorrect and harmful. The benefits which one aspires from their fitness regime or training will do more harm than good.
If I need to simplify this with a simple analogy. For instance – no car or bike would directly start with second, third or fourth gear. It has to go through the process of first gear. So is our human body, designed like a sophisticated machine which has its own mechanism, and even if you try to deliberately enforce the same, the inner machinery will eventually get severely damaged. In the same way, our body will face similar harmful effects, with irreparable damage! And, if you still continue such patterns of training, you might end up getting injured, demotivated and you may eventually stop training forever. Therefore, it is very very important to do your workout in a scientific & structured sequence. The importance of warm-up and cool-down can’t be emphasized much as they are a crucial part of any fitness program. To put some light on exactly what & why of warm-up & cool-down, some important information about the same.
A good Warm up gradually improves the body’s core temperature & blood circulation, building up energy & excitement for your main workout. The dynamic stretches in a warm-up session help ease the muscles & joints, allowing them to be flexible enough for the upcoming workout session. Warm-up exercises are inclusive of complete joint movements, muscle stretches, slow walks, slow jogs, march, etc, which will loosen your body, and slowly elevate your heart rate, preparing your body for an injury-less main workout. Skipping warm-ups will mean cold/stiff muscles and joints which will invite injuries. The duration for warm-up should be around 5 to 10 minutes depending on the type of workout you are doing..once you are done with your warmup you can proceed confidently with all the zeal & vigour for your targeted or main workouts like running, cycling, gym, aerobics, trekking or any other specific sports, and you can have safe, enjoyable and smooth training.
The third and very essential part of your workout is cool down. Cooldown or limbering down is easy, slow, static, rhythmic exercises done after any of your main workout or any strenuous, intense activity. A proper cooldown will help you reduce all the joints and muscle tension. It will also help you correct your postural alignments. The static stretches not only give you a feel-good factor but also helps you to recoup for your next workout session pain-free and with a smile. Hence to sum it up all, I would stress on practicing the three-step process for your Fitness Regime, good health n long-lasting results.
As you hit the floor a pumped up warmup and before you pause with your workout an easy-breezy cooldown session should be the way. The duration of warmups & cooldowns will depend on the load, intensity, and duration of your main workout.
These steps will ensure and make your workout wholesome and complete giving you long-lasting Results and inspiring you every time to look forward to your Fitness Training.
So make a promise to your self n your body to work on it the way it functions at its best. Stay Healthy Stay Fit..!!
Sanjay Patil
Fitness and wellness coach
Relax-Zeal. Aurangabad
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